Thursday, August 28, 2008

very new to this...

"my shoes have buttons"

hey everyone :] so im way too used to myspace for this haha, but i decided it would look more professional and have easier access to my pics through a blog like this. Well what is there to say? i love photography with all of my heart, i always have (i even did a science fair project on it a long time ago haha). I have also always wanted to do something with art...I never knew my Grandpa Koss that well and he was an artist so in some silly way i feel close to him when i do this :] ok ok enough with the sappy stuff youre here to see some photos aren't you? well i figured for my first time blog experience i would post some of my latest stuff and then maybe later on get into some of the photo shoots ive done :] oh and if anyone is ever interested in modeling or anything just get ahold of me....ill eventually get the kinks out of my blog when i figure out how it works.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Welcome Steph. I am so glad you have joined the blogging world.

I like your new hair. I saw it on Ambers blog.